Shanghai Tops Group Co., Ltd

21 mlynedd o brofiad gweithgynhyrchu

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Ribbon Design: The ribbons are designed in a spiral or helical shape, typically with one ribbon moving material from one end of the blender to the other, while the other ribbon moves material in the opposite direction. Mae'r cynnig deuol hwn yn sicrhau cymysgedd trylwyr.

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Mae symudiad y rhubanau yn hanfodol i'r broses gyfuno. Mae'r rhuban allanol yn gwthio'r deunydd tuag at ganol y cymysgydd, tra bod y rhuban mewnol yn ei gyfeirio'n ôl tuag at waliau'r cafn. This coordinated movement creates a dynamic flow where materials are transported in opposite directions laterally and axially (along the horizontal axis of the blender). Wrth i'r deunyddiau wrthdaro o fewn y cymysgydd, maent yn cynhyrchu darfudiad, gan hyrwyddo cyfuniad homogenaidd.

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Mae'r cymysgydd rhuban yn cyflawni dau gam cymysgu sylfaenol: rheiddiol a bi-echelol. Mae cymysgu rheiddiol yn cynnwys symud deunydd tuag at y canol, tra bod cymysgu bi-echelol yn hwyluso symud ochrol. This dual action fosters both small-scale random motion (diffusion) and large-scale random motion (convection), along with shear forces that enhance the mixing process. The ribbon's rotation effectively pushes materials upward from the bottom of the container, allowing them to flow in the opposite direction at the top, thus establishing a continuous circulation flow. This thorough movement ensures that different types of materials come into full contact with each other, significantly improving mixing uniformity.

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Amser Post: Mawrth-06-2025